Effectively Utilizing Storm Water Runoff in Los Angeles

Heal the Bay pic
Heal the Bay
Image: healthebay.org

Leveraging a decade of experience in the energy efficiency sector, Bryan Kranitz is the founder and president of Justice Energy Partners, a Southern California-based energy solutions company. His duties encompass business development and general operations. Aside from dispatching his professional obligations, Bryan Kranitz supports a variety of charitable organizations, including Heal the Bay.

An environmental nonprofit, Heal the Bay is committed to protecting the South Bay’s coastal waters and watersheds through living science, education, community action, and advocacy. A key component of the organization’s efforts lay in advocating for smart water solutions. Since Los Angeles currently imports 80 percent of its water, finding sustainable, local solutions for drinking water is a necessity that cannot be ignored.

In recent years, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has presented a large-scale plan to collect and use rainwater. Current systems in Los Angeles, designed over 100 years ago, channel storm water directly into the Pacific Ocean. The storm water picks up a myriad of contaminants and pollutants and carries them directly into the bay area’s delicate ecosystems. Under the new proposal, efforts would be made to collect rainwater in basins and slowly feed it into the city’s underground aquifers. In addition, green spaces would be modernized and enhanced so that storm water runoff could be more easily captured and used.

Called the Safe, Clean Water Program, the proposal will be included on the November ballot. A new parcel tax would fund the program and work to overcome the water problems that continually face the Los Angeles area.

Heal the Bay and the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium

Heal the Bay pic
Heal the Bay
Image: healthebay.org

Bryan Kranitz is the founder of Justice Energy, an energy efficiency company based in Los Angeles. Alongside his career, Bryan Kranitz participates in beach cleanups and supports organizations such as Heal the Bay.

A nonprofit created to preserve the environment in the Los Angeles area, Heal the Bay incorporates scientific research and educational opportunities into its efforts to advocate for clean, safe waters. The organization also encourages the public to visit the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium to learn more about the creatures Heal the Bay seeks to protect.

The Santa Monica Pier Aquarium features more than 100 species found in the Bay area, including sea urchins, hermit crabs, and Pacific seahorses. The museum hosts educational events for visitors and holds “touch tanks” for children to make close connections with some of the sea’s inhabitants. For more information about the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, visit healthebay.org.

10 Ways Farmers Are Saving Water

As California faces a historic drought, many farmers are relying on groundwater reserves to carry them through the dry season. Pumping groundwater is currently unregulated in California (that could soon change), and drawing on reserves now could cause shortages in the future. Sustainability-minded farmers are looking ahead and using an arsenal of methods to conserve water. Here are just a few.

1. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to a plant’s roots, reducing the evaporation that happens with spray watering systems. Timers can be used to schedule watering for the cooler parts of the day, further reducing water loss. Devoto Gardens, Glashoff Farms, and Twin Girls Farm are a few of the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market farms that irrigate their crops with drip irrigation lines. Properly installed drip irrigation can save up to 80 percent more water than conventional irrigation, and can even contribute to increased crop yields.

2. Capturing and Storing Water

Many farms rely on municipal water or wells (groundwater), while some have built their own ponds to capture and store rainfall for use throughout the year. Properly managed ponds can also create habitat for local wildlife. Marin Roots Farm relies on two ponds for all of their water needs, helping to minimize their impact on the surrounding watershed.

3. Irrigation Scheduling

Smart water management is not just about how water is delivered but also when, how often, and how much. To avoid under- or overwatering their crops, farmers carefully monitor the weather forecast, as well as soil and plant moisture, and adapt their irrigation schedule to the current conditions. Tory Farms, which uses flood irrigation in their orchards, waters at night to slow down evaporation, allowing water to seep down into the soil and replenish the water table.

4. Drought-Tolerant Crops

Growing crops that are appropriate to the region’s climate is another way that farmers are getting more crop per drop. Crop species that are native to arid regions are naturally drought-tolerant, while other crop varieties have been selected over time for their low water needs. Olives, Armenian cucumbers, tepary beans, and orach are a few of the more drought-tolerant crops you can find in the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market.

5. Dry Farming

California dry farmers don’t irrigate, relying on soil moisture to produce their crops during the dry season. Special tilling practices and careful attention to microclimates are essential. Dry farming tends to enhance flavors, but produces lower yields than irrigated crops. Dirty Girl Produce is known for their dry-farmed Early Girl tomatoes. Wine grapes, olives, potatoes, and apple trees can also be successfully dry farmed in California.

6. Rotational Grazing

Rotational grazing is a process in which livestock are moved between fields to help promote pasture regrowth. Good grazing management increases the fields’ water absorption and decreases water runoff, making pastures more drought-resistant. Increased soil organic matter and better forage cover are also water-saving benefits of rotational grazing. Bodega & Yerba Santa Goat Cheese and Marin Sun Farms, among others, practice rotational grazing to keep their pastures and animals healthy.

7. Compost and Mulch

Compost, or decomposed organic matter used as fertilizer, has been found to improve soil structure, increasing its water-holding capacity. Mulch is a material spread on top of the soil to conserve moisture. Mulch made from organic materials such as straw or wood chips will break down into compost, further increasing the soil’s ability to retain water. Compost and mulch help Allstar Organics, Tierra Vegetables, and many other Ferry Plaza Farmers Market farms retain more water in the soil during the dry season. Farmers may also use black plastic mulch as a soil cover to suppress weeds and reduce evaporation.

8. Cover Crops

Planted to protect soil that would otherwise go bare, cover crops reduce weeds, increase soil fertility and organic matter, and help prevent erosion and compaction. This allows water to more easily penetrate the soil and improves its water-holding capacity. A 2012 survey of 750 farmers conducted by North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education found that fields planted with cover crops were 11 to 14 percent more productive than conventional fields during years of drought. Woodleaf Farm uses perennial grass and clover in their peach orchards, and at Frog Hollow Farm, organic fruit farmer Al Courchesne swears by his use of cover crops for building healthy soil.

9. Conservation Tillage

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was created by a perfect storm of deep plowing and loss of perennial grasses followed by extreme drought and wind erosion. Conservation tillage uses specialized plows or other implements that partially till the soil but leave at least 30 percent of vegetative crop residue on the surface. Like the use of cover crops, such practices help increase water absorption and reduce evaporation, erosion, and compaction. Date grower Flying Disc Ranch makes the most of their water use in the Coachella desert by using a mix of mulch, compost, and cover crop with no tillage.

10. Going Organic

In a 30-year farm systems trial, the Rodale Institute found that corn grown in organic fields had 30 percent greater yields than conventional fields in years of drought. In addition to keeping many of the more toxic pesticides out of our waterways, organic methods help retain soil moisture. Healthy soil that is rich in organic matter and microbial life serves as a sponge that delivers moisture to plants. The trial also found that organic fields can recharge groundwater supplies up to 20 percent.

Thank you to CUESA intern Janelle Shiozaki for her help in writing this article. Visit our Farming and the Drought Discovery Station at the CUESA Classroom to learn more.

Goat photo by Denise Tarantino. Pond photo by Jenn Heflin.

10 Ways Farmers Are Saving Water

As California faces a historic drought, many farmers are relying on groundwater reserves to carry them through the dry season. Pumping groundwater is currently unregulated in California (that could soon change), and drawing on reserves now could cause shortages in the future. Sustainability-minded farmers are looking ahead and using an arsenal of methods to conserve water. Here are just a few.

1. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to a plant’s roots, reducing the evaporation that happens with spray watering systems. Timers can be used to schedule watering for the cooler parts of the day, further reducing water loss. Devoto Gardens, Glashoff Farms, and Twin Girls Farm are a few of the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market farms that irrigate their crops with drip irrigation lines. Properly installed drip irrigation can save up to 80 percent more water than conventional irrigation, and can even contribute to increased crop yields.

2. Capturing and Storing Water

Many farms rely on municipal water or wells (groundwater), while some have built their own ponds to capture and store rainfall for use throughout the year. Properly managed ponds can also create habitat for local wildlife. Marin Roots Farm relies on two ponds for all of their water needs, helping to minimize their impact on the surrounding watershed.

3. Irrigation Scheduling

Smart water management is not just about how water is delivered but also when, how often, and how much. To avoid under- or overwatering their crops, farmers carefully monitor the weather forecast, as well as soil and plant moisture, and adapt their irrigation schedule to the current conditions. Tory Farms, which uses flood irrigation in their orchards, waters at night to slow down evaporation, allowing water to seep down into the soil and replenish the water table.

4. Drought-Tolerant Crops

Growing crops that are appropriate to the region’s climate is another way that farmers are getting more crop per drop. Crop species that are native to arid regions are naturally drought-tolerant, while other crop varieties have been selected over time for their low water needs. Olives, Armenian cucumbers, tepary beans, and orach are a few of the more drought-tolerant crops you can find in the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market.

5. Dry Farming

California dry farmers don’t irrigate, relying on soil moisture to produce their crops during the dry season. Special tilling practices and careful attention to microclimates are essential. Dry farming tends to enhance flavors, but produces lower yields than irrigated crops. Dirty Girl Produce is known for their dry-farmed Early Girl tomatoes. Wine grapes, olives, potatoes, and apple trees can also be successfully dry farmed in California.

6. Rotational Grazing

Rotational grazing is a process in which livestock are moved between fields to help promote pasture regrowth. Good grazing management increases the fields’ water absorption and decreases water runoff, making pastures more drought-resistant. Increased soil organic matter and better forage cover are also water-saving benefits of rotational grazing. Bodega & Yerba Santa Goat Cheese and Marin Sun Farms, among others, practice rotational grazing to keep their pastures and animals healthy.

7. Compost and Mulch

Compost, or decomposed organic matter used as fertilizer, has been found to improve soil structure, increasing its water-holding capacity. Mulch is a material spread on top of the soil to conserve moisture. Mulch made from organic materials such as straw or wood chips will break down into compost, further increasing the soil’s ability to retain water. Compost and mulch help Allstar Organics, Tierra Vegetables, and many other Ferry Plaza Farmers Market farms retain more water in the soil during the dry season. Farmers may also use black plastic mulch as a soil cover to suppress weeds and reduce evaporation.

8. Cover Crops

Planted to protect soil that would otherwise go bare, cover crops reduce weeds, increase soil fertility and organic matter, and help prevent erosion and compaction. This allows water to more easily penetrate the soil and improves its water-holding capacity. A 2012 survey of 750 farmers conducted by North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education found that fields planted with cover crops were 11 to 14 percent more productive than conventional fields during years of drought. Woodleaf Farm uses perennial grass and clover in their peach orchards, and at Frog Hollow Farm, organic fruit farmer Al Courchesne swears by his use of cover crops for building healthy soil.

9. Conservation Tillage

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was created by a perfect storm of deep plowing and loss of perennial grasses followed by extreme drought and wind erosion. Conservation tillage uses specialized plows or other implements that partially till the soil but leave at least 30 percent of vegetative crop residue on the surface. Like the use of cover crops, such practices help increase water absorption and reduce evaporation, erosion, and compaction. Date grower Flying Disc Ranch makes the most of their water use in the Coachella desert by using a mix of mulch, compost, and cover crop with no tillage.

10. Going Organic

In a 30-year farm systems trial, the Rodale Institute found that corn grown in organic fields had 30 percent greater yields than conventional fields in years of drought. In addition to keeping many of the more toxic pesticides out of our waterways, organic methods help retain soil moisture. Healthy soil that is rich in organic matter and microbial life serves as a sponge that delivers moisture to plants. The trial also found that organic fields can recharge groundwater supplies up to 20 percent.

What would it take to end California’s drought?

An insightful piece by The Conversation on what is required to beat the drought.

The excitement about a potentially rain-bearing El Niño is building, and hopes for a swift end to California’s ongoing drought are multiplying. At the same time, many of us who have worked extensively on water issues in the state fear the momentum and progress made on much-needed water reforms will be lost.

The prospect of a rainy year raises the question: what would it take for the drought to be over? The answer to that question turns out to be more complex than it might seem.

Defining drought

It is common to think of drought as a lack of precipitation, but there are many ways to look at drought. For example, from a physical standpoint, researchers might use soil moisture indicators and are increasingly using temperature as well. However, these measures don’t directly address the social and economic aspects of drought.

To that end, the National Drought Mitigation Center has a helpful guide that identifies four kinds of drought: meteorological, hydrological, agricultural and socioeconomic. This lens helps to explain the widespread impacts of California’s current drought, where we have been experiencing all four kinds simultaneously for several years. We have reduced precipitation and streamflows, irrigation water cutbacks and communities without running water. From this perspective, it becomes clear that increased precipitation alone will not signal an end to the drought.

Take two key drought-related issues the state is facing right now: lack of snow and groundwater depletion. Even with more rains, we are not guaranteed to get snow. In fact, this is one of the biggest caveats about El Niño this year – researchers are predicting more rain for southern California but are less confident about precipitation, particularly snow, in the northern part of the state.

In addition, the severity and timing of storms play a big role. Heavy, intense, fast-moving storms can lead to high levels of runoff or snowmelt that may not be stored in dams and reservoirs. Milder, slower-moving storms increase our ability to capture water in both surface and groundwater systems.

Groundwater recharge is also a complex issue. There are certainly places where groundwater will be replenished by increased precipitation and decreased use as we are able to switch to surface water use once again, but there are also places where restoring groundwater levels could take anywhere from decades to centuries.

Another way to look at drought is through the lens of supply and demand, and while a wet winter might help with supply, it won’t much affect demand. In a helpful article, Kelly Redmond of the Desert Research Institute explores the supply-and-demand challenge in depth, noting that the questions of whether there is “enough” water and for what purpose are big ones that are often left out of the equation. So, for example, the commonly referred to estimates that the state needs an extra year or two of rain to end the drought are interesting to contemplate but are focused on making up for a precipitation shortfall and do not say much about demand.

Finally, no matter how you define drought, its impacts have been incredibly variable across the state, so it makes sense that recovery will also be contextual, differing from place to place. For instance, as a recent report from the Public Policy Institute of California points out, many urban centers have been resilient in the face of drought, while many rural communities have faced a suite of drought-related challenges, ranging from a decline in air quality to lack of running water.

So, what would it mean to end the drought?

In California, it has become clear that drought is a multi-faceted challenge and may in fact exist on more of a continuum than anything else, potentially limiting the utility of the word over time. On a practical level, however, here are some of the factors we will be monitoring:

  • snowfall: Increased rain will be helpful, but we also need snow since the mountain snowpack supplies surface water to streams and lakes. And both are needed in the right places and at the right times across the state.
  • groundwater: The impacts of the current drought have not been more severe, particularly for the agricultural community, because groundwater stores have been used to replace diminished surface water in many places. How long it will take for some of those groundwater sources to be restored is variable by location. What it means to truly replenish groundwater is also an open question.
  • reservoirs: California depends on a complex set of reservoirs, canals and natural waterways to store and move water. Location and storm intensity will be important for refilling depleted reservoirs and lifting supply restrictions.
  • river and stream flows: Fish and other wildlife continue to be challenged by drought conditions. Flows will need to return for healthy, diverse ecosystems to thrive.
  • surface water for agriculture: Irrigation cutbacks have been severe in some parts of the state. As noted, groundwater has helped to offset these reductions, but having surface water flows for agriculture restored will be a key sign of relief.
  • water for communities: Urban water users have faced state-mandated reduction targets this year. For rural communities, teasing drought impacts apart from underlying issues of poverty and uncertainty is a challenge. Water security, or ensuring reliable supply, for the state’s residents should be the primary objective of any future water policy.

California’s current water situation offers an invitation to expand how we think about water and drought conditions. A more nuanced perspective about what drought means and our water needs can help continue the momentum on the shifts, such as conservation measures and groundwater management, needed to deal with what is certainly an uncertain future.

U.S.JESSICA BRANDI LIFLAND / POLARIS California drought and impending El Niño raise fears of levee breaks

Al Jazeera America looks at the role and impact that levees could have in times of drought and climate change.

LOS ANGELES — California’s historic drought is in its fourth year and gloom-and-doom scenarios of its impact on everything from killing the state’s vegetation and triggering bug infestation to destroying farming jobs have been trickling in daily.

Now, there is another fear: The prolonged drought may have weakened California’s more than 13,000 miles of levees, which could result in floods and affect the quality of water for millions of Californians.

That’s a scary prospect for parts of the state that could get doused with torrential rain this winter, thanks to an El Niño weather front triggered by unusually warm Pacific Ocean temperatures. And the mere mention of levee breaks evokes terrifying images of the devastation Hurricane Katrina wreaked on New Orleans 10 years ago.

A Mississippi State University civil engineer sounded the alarm in a recent article in Science magazine.

“If the drought ends with heavy rainfall-induced flooding, as seen in 2010 in Australia and 2015 in Texas and Oklahoma, the levees could be at even greater risk,” said Farshid Vahedifard, the article’s lead writer and an assistant professor at the university’s department of civil and environmental engineering

“The drought weakens the soil, will form some cracks and decrease the strength of the levees, bridges or any infrastructure,” he said. “Water is an enemy for soil … California levees are very vulnerable and became worse due to the drought.”

Levees built on peaty soil are especially at risk, he said, because they face faster decomposition of the soil. The sand-clay mixture goes through organic carbon decomposition, land subsidence and erosion — all of which undermines the strength of the entire structure and increase the risk of water rising over the top of the levees, he warned.

Prolonged droughts undermine the stability of levees by increasing water seepage through cracking soil and weakening it, he said.

State flood management officials scoff at these dire warnings.

“There are somewhere between 13,000 and 14,000 miles of levees,” said Michael Mierzwa, California’s lead flood management planner. “When you get to the peat levees, we have about 1,100 miles.”

Out of that, about 300 miles are state project levees and the rest are local. And most of these levees are in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, an inland river delta and estuary in northern California. The levees are more like dykes.

“Those levies are wet year round,” Mierzwa said

Most are in agricultural areas, where there’s been feverish pumping for groundwater during this drought. That has resulted in the ground sinking.

Last month, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory released a report that show that the ground in California’s Central Valley is fast subsiding.

“These levees are constantly below water and the statement that the foundations would be dry is inaccurate,” Mierzwa said.

And if there were any flooding, it would occur on farmland and not in populated areas, he said.

But there is one concern. The levees are critical to the state’s water distribution and if there is any seepage, water quality could be compromised.

“Twenty-three to 25 million people are dependent on water that passes through these levees,” Mierzwa said “If, for some reason those levees fail, the risk of outage of the water supply is much greater in drought conditions.”

Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc., a civil engineering and land surveying company, provides services to public and private clients throughout California.

“The drought has no impact on those (peat) soils,” said Christopher Neudeck, principal engineer. “The saturation system is pretty much the same. … The quality may change. There may be a greater degree of salinity and chloride because the freshwater mixing is not the same.”

Vahedifard argues that the problem could be broader because California levees were not in great shape, even before the drought.

He cites the National Levee Database that shows that only 10 percent of the 744 levees listed were rated acceptable. In California, about 99 percent of the levees are rated “minimally acceptable.”

A 2011 report by the California Department of Water Resources — before the severe drought began — shows that 56 percent of the state’s levees were rated “high hazard”, which means “they are in serious danger of falling during an earthquake or flood event,” Vahedifard said.

Neudeck calls the Science article “alarmist.”

“We might have some cracking in our system because we haven’t seen water in our system for a while,” he said. “But I don’t see the drought having an immediate impact.”

Some of the poor ratings issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are an overreaction to the Katrina debacle, Neudeck said.

“They were embarrassed by Katrina,” he said. “Now, we’re being judged by standards we’ve never seen ever in the past. The standards are over-reaching. … Are they (levees) in great condition? No. But they’re manageable and we’re very aware of the integrity of our systems.”

There is no doubt that big, sudden storms can lead to flash flooding. Already this month, flash floods caused by heavy rains and hail killed one Californian. A hiker in the San Bernardino National Forest tried to cross a waist-deep river and was swept away. Another man survived being swept in a storm drain in San Bernardino County.

“During drought, levees tend to dry out,” says Jeffrey Mount, founding director of theCenter for Watershed Sciences at the University of California Davis and a senior fellow with the Public Policy Institute of California. “This causes cracking and oxidation of organic material, both of which can lead to slumping and subsidence, often once the water returns.”

Mount is critical of the article’s “blanket assertions” but admits that the warnings should be heeded,

“In California, we have not been monitoring this in the thousands of miles of levees that we have,” Mount said. “We lack the resources to do this and, appropriately enough, when we are in the middle of a drought, we tend not to focus on floods. Yet, it’s precisely during a drought that we should be working on flood protection. When the floods come, it’s too late to do anything about them.”

What the drought and the impending El Niño are doing is intensifying emergency response preparations. Northern California’s San Mateo and Santa Clara counties created the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to prepare for overflowing creeks by shoring up the banks the San Francisquito Creek. Roofing companies are reporting record business as homeowners brace for an El Niño deluge.

“Climate change is actually a consideration in the design and maintenance” of levees, Mierzwa said, and he agrees with the article’s call for multi-hazard disaster risk science.

That’s been happening, he said. The California Department of Water Resources and U.S.Army Corps of Engineers have worked on a levee evaluation system. California’s Delta Stewardship Council is embarking on a Delta levee investment strategy.

Vahedifard said the need for research on the impact of drought on levees is urgent.

“We do know levees are not in good shape,” he said. “We’re not trying to blame anybody. We’re saying we have to take this issue seriously to make sure we don’t have another levee failure like what happened after Katrina.”

Climate Change Meets Drought In California

Capital Public Radio’s piece helps us see why without a doubt climate change and drought are hitting California simultaneously.

Federal climate scientists say it was a record warm June for California and four other western states. The NOAA State of the Climate report was released July 16.

NOAA forecasters said 2014 year was the warmest on record for the state. And climate change research says California will be dryer, with snow coming earlier in the winter and melting sooner in the Sierra Nevada, along with an increase in severe wildfires throughout the western U.S.

Jay Famiglietti is a Senior Water Scientist with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and a Professor of Earth Systems Science at UC Irvine.

We asked him if California is seeing an intersection of the drought and climate change.

“I think that we are and I think that this past winter is representative of what we will be very likely be seeing more of in the future,” says Famiglietti.

He says drought cycles are part of the climate change scenario and we may be witnessing the interplay of both in 2015.

“As the snowpack diminishes and the snow season shrinks, that will impact our water resources,” says Famiglietti. “Of course, there’s a direct link with water and dryness and fire, so I think we can expect that to become more severe in the future.”

Famiglietti says groundwater supply is getting squeezed as surface water availability declines.

El Niño Won’t End Drought

“The groundwater picture does not look very promising,” says Famiglietti. “My fear is that the supply that we have will be rapidly depleted if the drought continues. If it doesn’t, we’ll have more surface water availability. But, if it does, we’ll see the continued trend of groundwater depletion.”

This spring and early summer, there was virtually no runoff due to the record-low snowpack in the Sierra. And that puts added pressure on groundwater supply.

“The biggest users are still in agriculture,” says Famiglietti. “My guess is if the drought continues in 2016, we’ll start seeing more and more restrictions on agriculture.”

The latest El Niño forecast puts the chances for the ocean warming event at 90 percent and there is potential for above-normal rain for parts of California.

Famiglietti says one El Niño year, if it’s a wet one, will help, but it won’t end California’s four-year drought.

“The deficit right now is somewhere around 12 trillion gallons of water,” says Famiglietti. “So we need to replace about 12 trillion gallons of water in storage, in snow, in groundwater, in our reservoirs. That’s going to take about three years of above-average precipitation.”

“So, one El Niño year will help, if it actually brings rain to California, which is not guaranteed. But we need a few years in a row of above-average precipitation to dig out of this monumental hole that we’re in.”

California Can’t Conserve Its Way Out of Its Drought

Real Clear Markets explains why innovation, along with conservation, is the way out of the drought.

California’s four-year (and on-going) drought is causing everyone a mild migraine. In the north, forest fires are costing the state $200 million (and counting) to fight and contain, while many are losing their property and possessions to the flames. In the Central Valley, the agriculture industry will lose almost $2 billion in 2015 because of the drought. Meanwhile, some Central Valley communities are completely without water, relying on daily deliveries from neighboring reserves. And finally, across the state, municipalities are forced to cut back water, which will soon lead to a $600 million dent in water utility revenue – a hole ratepayers will surely be forced to cover.

This is the landscape as California grapples with probably the worst drought on record. But California isn’t without solutions. Next week the Hoover Institution will release the September-October 2015 issue of Eureka featuring commentary on California’s drought conundrum. The issue investigates 1) how the drought is affecting California’s “bread basket” (maybe, fruit and nut basket would be more apt), 2) whether innovation can play a role in the prevention of future droughts, and 3) how Orange County embraced innovation decades ago and has benefitted immensely since.

Ironies in the Central Valley: Central Valley communities and farms are faced with a compounding problem. First, the State Water Project and Central Valley Project have turned off the surface water spigot, forcing farmers to rely almost entirely on the Central Valley’s vast groundwater aquifer. However, this aquifer exists in a fragile symbiosis. Groundwater resources can only be recharged via runoff from the Sierra Nevada Mountains or excess irrigation from surface water transfers – both of which show no signs of reflowing anytime soon. Therefore, the aquifer is quickly being depleted forcing farmers to dig deeper wells and running pumps constantly – both of which are costly. To pay for this new expense, farmers have refocused their crops on ones that demand a higher price, i.e. fruits and nuts. These profitable crops, however, catch the eye of investors leading to more demand for agricultural land, which in turns puts more pressure on an ever decreasing and more expensive groundwater resource.

Water Innovation Requires Reliable Financing: During California’s energy crisis, government policy and forward-thinking industry leaders looked to energy innovation to stabilize the Golden State’s volatile electricity market. While California’s growing reliance on renewables presents other challenges to overcome, one lesson from the energy crisis is clear: for innovation to occur, financing must be available. One of the serious challenges to water financing is the disconnect between what water users pay for it and what its scarcity actually makes it worth. To move forward the water sector must explore readjusting the rate structure and pricing policies to better reflect the full cost of water delivery and the marginal cost of consumption and scarcity, while also divorcing water utility revenue from the quantity of water sold – in order to insulate the utilities from conservation-induced revenue drops.

Orange County is Putting Innovation to Work: In the 1970s, Orange County opened the world’s first water treatment plant to recycle wastewater. They haven’t looked back since. In 2008, a ten-year collaboration between the Orange County Water District and the Orange County Sanitation District resulted in an even-more advanced treatment system that takes wastewater and turns it into clean, potable water. And what does this system accomplish? First, it prevents seawater intrusion into Ornage County’s groundwater aquifer. Second, it produces, currently, 100 million gallons per day of drinkable water, enough to quench the thirst of 850,000 people – over a quarter of Orange County’s population. Moreover, it showcases that water recycling is not only doable, but largely acceptable to the masses.

It’s obvious that California cannot conserve its way out of this drought. In July 2015, Californians conserved almost 74 billion gallons of water compared to July 2013, which is double the amount of water used by the city of Sacramento annually. But Sacramento represents just 1% of the state’s population and municipal water use is just 10% to 14% of California’s total water consumption. The solutions to California’s water challenges are simple: more storage, more resource development, better functioning water markets, and more efficient environmental protection efforts. The implementation, however, of these solutions are very complicated. But California should heed the words of Winston Churchill and “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

For a more in-depth look at these topics and an analysis on the September 2015 Golden State Poll – also related to California’s drought – keep your eye out for the September-October 2015 issue of Eureka at hoover.org/publication/eureka to be released on Tuesday, September 29.

The California Drought Is Just the Beginning of Our National Water Emergency

The Nation on how California’s water drought could be reflective of the world’s water crisis.

The United Nations reports that we have 15 years to avert a full-blown water crisis and that, by 2030, demand for water will outstrip supply by 40 percent. Five hundred renowned scientists brought together by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that our collective abuse of water has caused the earth to enter a “new geologic age,” a “planetary transformation” akin to the retreat of the glaciers more than 11,000 years ago. Already, they reported, a majority of the world’s population lives within a 30-mile radius of water sources that are badly stressed or running out.
For a long time, we in the Global North, especially North America and Europe, have seen the growing water crisis as an issue of the Global South. Certainly, the grim UN statistics on those without access to water and sanitation have referred mostly to poor countries in Africa, Latin America, and large parts of Asia. Heartbreaking images of children dying of waterborne disease have always seemed to come from the slums of Nairobi, Kolkata, or La Paz. Similarly, the worst stories of water pollution and shortages have originated in the densely populated areas of the South.

But as this issue of The Nation shows us, the global water crisis is just that—global—in every sense of the word. A deadly combination of growing inequality, climate change, rising water prices, and mismanagement of water sources in the North has suddenly put the world on a more even footing.

There is now a Third World in the First World. Growing poverty in rich countries has created an underclass that cannot pay rising water rates. As reported by Circle of Blue, the price of water in 30 major US cities is rising faster than most other household staples—41 percent since 2010, with no end in sight. As a result, increasing numbers cannot pay their water bills, and cutoffs are growing across the country. Inner-city Detroit reminds me more of the slums of Bogotá than the North American cities of my childhood.

Historic poverty and unemployment in Europe have also put millions at risk. Caught between unaffordable rising water rates and the imposition of European-wide austerity measures, thousands of families in Spain, Portugal, and Greece have had their water service cut off. An employee of the water utility Veolia Eau was fired for refusing to cut supplies to 1,000 families in Avignon, France.

As in the Global South, the trend of privatizing water services has placed an added burden on the poor of the North. Food and Water Watch and other organizations have clearly documented that the rates for water and sewer services rise dramatically with privatization. Unlike government water agencies, corporate-run water services must make a profit for their involvement.

And, as in the Global South, aging pipes and leaking water systems are not being repaired or upgraded by Northern municipalities, which have become increasingly cash-strapped as public funds dry up. It is estimated that the United States needs to spend $1 trillion over the next twenty-five years for water infrastructure. To pay for this in a time of tax-cutting hysteria, it is likely that the burden will fall on families and small businesses, pushing water rates even higher.

Climate change is another equalizing phenomenon. Melting glaciers, warming watersheds, and chaotic weather patterns are upsetting the water cycle everywhere. Higher temperatures increase the amount of moisture that evaporates from land and water; a warmer atmosphere then releases more precipitation in areas already prone to flooding and less in areas prone to drought. Indeed, drought is intensifying in many parts of the world, and deserts are growing in more than 100 countries.

Additionally, the relentless over-extraction of groundwater and water from rivers has caused great damage in the Global South and is now doing the same in the North. A June 2015 NASA study found that 21 of the world’s 37 largest aquifers—in locations from India and China to the United States and France—have passed their sustainability tipping points, putting hundreds of millions at risk. Stunningly, more than half the rivers in China have disappeared since 1990. Asia’s Aral Sea and Africa’s Lake Chad—once the fourth- and sixth-largest lakes in the world, respectively—have all but dried up due to unremitting use for export-oriented crop irrigation.

In Brazil, almost 2 trillion gallons of water are extracted every year to produce sugarcane ethanol. Cutting down the Amazon rain forests has dramatically reduced the amount of rain in the hydrologic cycle. Healthy rain forests produce massive amounts of moisture that are carried on air currents called “flying rivers” and supply rain to São Paulo thousands of miles away. The destruction of the rain forests and groundwater mining for biofuels has created a killing drought in a country once considered the most water-rich in the world. Not surprisingly, large-scale cutoffs and water rationing are taking a toll on millions of poor Brazilians.

The story repeats itself in the North. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the Ogallala Aquifer is so overburdened that it “is going to run out…beyond reasonable argument.” The use of bore-well technology to draw precious groundwater for the production of water-intensive corn ethanol is a large part of this story. For decades, California has massively engineered its water systems through pipelines, canals, and aqueducts so that a small number of powerful farmers in places like the Central Valley can produce water-intensive crops for export. Over-extraction is also putting huge pressure on the Great Lakes, whose receding shorelines tell the story.

* * *

There is some good news along with these distressing reports. An organized international movement has come together to fight for water justice, both globally and at the grassroots level. It has fought fiercely against privatization, with extraordinary results: Europe’s Transnational Institute reports that in the last 15 years, 235 municipalities in 37 countries have brought their water services back under public control after having tried various forms of privatization. In the United States alone, activists have reversed 58 water-privatization schemes.

This movement has also successfully fought for UN recognition that water and sanitation are human rights. The General Assembly adopted a resolution recognizing these rights on July 28, 2010, and the Human Rights Council adopted a further resolution outlining the obligations of governments two months later.

Working with communities in the Global South, where water tables are being destroyed to provide boutique water for export, North American water-justice activists have set up bottled-water-free campuses across the United States and Canada. They have also joined hands to fight water-destructive industries such as fracking here and open-pit mining in Latin America and Africa.

The most important defining feature of this movement is that it is based on solidarity. The same mix of issues confronts the Global North and South alike, and it’s only through respect and the sharing of resources, tactics, and information that we will bring water justice to communities around the world. Water activists increasingly understand that many of the assaults target indigenous lands, and that indigenous leadership and solidarity are key to the success of this movement.

It has now become time for governments around the world to step up and take serious action. It is utterly astonishing to me that, with the many (and growing) water crises across the United States, the issue of water does not come up in presidential campaigns. Energy, yes—water, no.

We humans have used the planet’s fresh water for our pleasure and profit, and created an industrial model of development based on conquering nature. It is time to see water as the essential element of an ecosystem that gives life to us all, and that we must protect with vigor and determination. We need to change our relationship to water, and do it quickly. We must do everything in our power to heal and restore the planet’s watersheds and waterways.

In practice, this means we need a new ethic that puts water and its protection at the center of all of the laws and policies we enact. The world would be a very different place if we always asked how our water practices—everything from trading across borders to growing food and producing energy—affect our most valuable resource.

Water must be much more equitably shared, and governments must guarantee access by making it a public service provided on a not-for-profit basis. The human right to water must become a reality everywhere. Likewise, water plunder must end: Governments need to stand up to the powerful industries, private interests, and bad practices destroying water all over the world. Water everywhere must be declared a public trust, to be protected and managed for the public good. This includes placing priorities on access to limited supplies, especially groundwater, and banning private industry from owning or controlling it. Water, in short, must be recognized as the common heritage of humanity and of future generations.

The global water crisis now unites us in a common struggle. Will its scarcity lead to conflict, violence, and war? Or it is possible that water will become a negotiating tool for cooperation and peace? Can it be nature’s gift to teach us how to better live with one another and tread more lightly on Mother Earth?

I surely hope so.

How unusual is the 2012–2014 California drought?

Here’s a scientific study of the California drought published in the AGU journal.


For the past three years (2012–2014), California has experienced the most severe drought conditions in its last century. But how unusual is this event? Here we use two paleoclimate reconstructions of drought and precipitation for Central and Southern California to place this current event in the context of the last millennium. We demonstrate that while 3 year periods of persistent below-average soil moisture are not uncommon, the current event is the most severe drought in the last 1200 years, with single year (2014) and accumulated moisture deficits worse than any previous continuous span of dry years. Tree ring chronologies extended through the 2014 growing season reveal that precipitation during the drought has been anomalously low but not outside the range of natural variability. The current California drought is exceptionally severe in the context of at least the last millennium and is driven by reduced though not unprecedented precipitation and record high temperatures.

1 Introduction

Drought is a fundamental feature of the climate of western North America. Over the last century, regions of the western United States have experienced protracted decadal-scale dry periods, including those during the Dust Bowl, the 1950s, and now again during the early 21st century [Seager et al., 2005; Cook et al., 2009;Woodhouse et al., 2010; Cook et al., 2014a]. Each of these resulted in substantial economic, agricultural, hydrological, and ecological consequences. The paleoclimate record also provides unequivocal evidence of previous epochs of longer and more severe “megadroughts” [Woodhouse and Overpeck, 1998; Cook et al., 2007; Stahle et al., 2007; Cook et al., 2010; Woodhouse et al., 2010] particularly in the Great Plains and semiarid western North America. In Central and Southern California, the instrumental spectrum of drought variability is predominantly interannual [Ault and St. George, 2010], reflecting the quasiperiodic influence of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation [Cayan et al., 1999], regional atmospheric pressure anomalies [Cayan et al., 1998], and “drought-busting” atmospheric rivers [Dettinger, 2013]. However, even in California paleoclimate records point to transient but important low-frequency hydroclimate variability during the Common Era [Malamud-Roam et al., 2006], with clear evidence of sustained multidecadal megadroughts [Stine, 1994].

California is presently in the midst of the worst drought in over a century of instrumental observations (Figure 1a and Figures S1 and S2 in the supporting information), with extreme aridity in 2014 compounding already dry conditions in 2012 and 2013 [Swain et al., 2014]. The 3 year episode now surpasses the historic 1976–1977 and late 1980s droughts. “Exceptional drought” covered most of the state by September 2014, as measured by an integrated assessment of meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological indices that reflects the combined influence of precipitation, evapotranspiration, and soil water storage (Figure S1) [Svoboda et al., 2002]. From autumn 2013 through spring of 2014, Central and Southern California in particular experienced some of the lowest water year precipitation totals in the observational climate record (Figure S4), the effects of which have been amplified by record high temperatures (Figure S3) [Vose et al., 2014; NOAA, 2014]. Diminished snowpack, streamflows, and reservoir levels have resulted in a convergence of reduced surface water supply with heightened demand that appears to be unique in modern California history.

Figure 1.

(a) Regional mean North American Drought Atlas (NADA) PDSI for Central and Southern California (33°N to 38°N and 118°W to 125°W; black line) and instrumental June through August NOAA Climate Division 4–7 PDSI (solid red line) for the observational period 1895 to 2014 [Vose et al., 2014]. The JJA season is chosen to match the NADA reconstruction target. Uncertainty (1σ) calculated as the root-mean-squared error from the residual fit of the NADA to the instrumental series shown as the shaded gray region. The red line and star indicate the 2014 value. (b) Distribution of the composite NADA-NOAA JJA PDSI values for the period 800 to 2014. The 2014 value is indicated by the red line and is labeled. (c) Long-term (800 to 2014) composite NADA-NOAA (black line) and instrumental (solid red line) PDSI. The horizontal dashed red line and star indicate the 2014 value. Uncertainty on the composite calculated as the root-mean-squared error from the residual fit of the NADA to the NOAA instrumental series shown as light (2σ) and dark (1σ) shaded gray regions.

How unusual is the current California drought in the context of the last millennium? While drought conditions are expected to be exacerbated as a consequence of anthropogenic warming and increased evaporative demand [Seager et al., 2007; Cook et al., 2014b; Seager and Hoerling, 2014], California has suffered severe multiyear droughts during the instrumental era as well as over the last several centuries [Meko and Woodhouse, 2005]. Here we use two complementary paleoclimate resources to provide a long-term context for the current drought. We focus on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) California climate divisions 4 through 7 (Figure S1) in Central and Southern California. This region includes most of California below 38°N and south of San Francisco Bay and has experienced the most historically severe drought conditions (Figure S2). The first reconstruction is the North American Drought Atlas (NADA) [Cook et al.], a 2.5°× 2.5° gridded continental-scale reconstruction of the June through August (JJA) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) based on an extensive network of nearly 2000 tree ring chronologies. PDSI integrates precipitation and temperature into an estimate of available soil moisture. For the western United States in particular the NADA displays strong calibration and verification statistics and resolves between ∼40 and 60% of the variance in the target PDSI series over California [Cook et al., 2010]. We extend the NADA tree ring PDSI reconstructions for Central and Southern California through the present by using the latest NOAA climate division instrumental PDSI [Vose et al., 2014]. We also develop new tree ring estimates of water year (October through June) precipitation in Central and Southern California through the 2014 growing season using updated and existing blue oak (Quercus douglasii) tree ring chronologies from four sites. Blue oak tree ring chronologies have one of the strongest moisture signals of all the species used for dendroclimatology [St. George, 2014], can resolve more that 80% of the local variability in precipitation [Meko et al., 2011; Stahle et al., 2013], and reflect coherent large-scale rainfall anomalies over hundreds of kilometers [Meko et al., 2011]. The data from the NADA provides a longer-term, highly replicated and integrative moisture perspective on California drought, while the blue oak data are a unique and up-to-date proxy source of local, precise, and highly sensitive precipitation information.

2 Methods

From the North American Drought Atlas [Cook et al., 2004, 2010] we extracted all the terrestrial grid points in the range 33°N to 38°N and 118°W to 125°W for 800 to 2006 [Cook et al., 2004] and calculated the area mean June through August (JJA) PDSI value. In order to maintain consistency with the NADA and make valid seasonal comparisons to the current drought, we averaged California’s NOAA Climate Division 4 though 7 PDSI data [Vose et al., 2014] for June through August and scaled the NADA time series by the mean of the observations and verified their standard deviations. Even prior to adjustment, these two time series are highly similar (r = 0.81, p≪ 0.001). We estimated the uncertainty in the scaled reconstruction by calculating the root-mean-squared error (1.4 PDSI units) from the residual of the fit between the instrumental and original paleoclimate data. Results are shown in Figure 1.

Our Quercus douglasii tree ring data and precipitation reconstruction were developed with methods standard in dendroclimatology [Cook and Kairiūkštis, 1990]. The regional blue oak tree ring chronology is composed of 327 radii from 273 individual trees at four sampling sites (Figure S5). Existing ring width data from Rock Springs Ranch, Figueroa Mountain, and Los Lobos sites [Stahle et al., 2013] were augmented with new specimens from 65 trees sampled at Los Lobos and Little Sycamore Canyon sites (Figure S5) after the 2014 growth season was completed. Ring width measurements were detrended and prewhitened and the regional chronology was calculated as the robust biweight mean of all available tree ring indices in a given year. Fifty year running mean correlations (inline image) of all tree ring indices averaged 0.55 and the expressed population signal (EPS) averaged 0.98, reaching a minimum value of 0.88 in the year 1363. Comparison of the regional chronology with normalized precipitation and temperature data averaged for California Climate Divisions 4 through 7 revealed a precipitation-dominated climate response with statistically significant correlation coefficients (p < 0.05) for individual months from October through June, a season that accounts for 96% of average water year (July–June) precipitation in the average of California Divisions 4 through 7. Bivariate linear regression was used to calibrate the prewhitened tree ring data on the instrumental target for the period 1920–2014. Regression residuals were serially random, normally distributed, heteroscedastic, and without monotonic trend. Calibration results were all positive and statistically significant (R2 = 0.82; RE = 0.81; CE = 0.81). Verification statistics calculated with the independent data for the 1896–1919 period were also positive and significant (R2 = 0.75, RE = 0.69, CE = 0.68). Regression results are similar (R2 = 0.78 − 0.83) when the full common period was split into halves for calibration and verification and then switched (i.e., 1896–1955 and 1956–2014). Reconstruction results are shown in Figure 2. We conducted a bivariate runs analysis [González and Valdés, 2003] on both the precipitation reconstruction and the composite PDSI series in order to estimate the duration, severity (cumulative deficit), and interarrival interval for droughts.

Figure 2.

(a) Blue oak reconstructed (black line) and instrumental (blue line) October through June normalized mean precipitation anomalies from California NOAA Climate Divisions 4–7 [Vose et al., 2014]. Uncertainty (1σ) calculated as the root-mean-squared error from the residual fit to the instrumental series shown as the shaded gray region. The dashed blue line and star indicate the 2014 value. (b) Distribution of the reconstructed October through June normalized mean precipitation anomalies for 1293–2014. The 2014 value is indicated by the blue line and labeled. (c) Long-term (1293 to 2014) reconstructed (black line) and instrumental (blue line) normalized precipitation anomalies. The dashed blue line and star indicate the 2014 value. Uncertainty on the reconstruction calculated as the root-mean-squared error from the residual fit to the instrumental series shown as light (2σ) and dark (1σ) shaded gray regions.

3 Results

Based on our NOAA-NADA composite PDSI record, we estimate that 2014 is the worst single drought year of at least the last ∼1200 years in California (Figure 1). Taking into account the uncertainties in scaling the NADA tree ring data to the instrumental PDSI, 6 years were possibly similar to or drier than 2014, (including 1580, 1782, 1829, and 1841 CE) at the 1σ level, while 36 years out of the last 1215 years include the 2014 value within 2σuncertainty. Three year droughts are not unusual over the last millennium in California and they can occur with as little as a single year between negative moisture anomalies (Figure 3a). Over the last 1200 years, we estimate that there are 37 occurrences of 3 year droughts and a total of 66 uninterrupted dry periods (e.g., every year below the 800 to 2014 mean) lasting between 3 and 9 years. We estimate that ∼44% of 3 year droughts go on to last 4 years or longer. However, the 2012–2014 drought stands out in the context of the last millennium. In terms of cumulative severity, it is the worst drought on record (−14.55 cumulative PDSI), more extreme than longer (4 to 9 year) droughts. Considering only drought episodes defined by at least three consecutive years all lower than −2 PDSI, only three such events occur in the last 1200 years, and 2012–2014 is the most severe of these.

Figure 3.

Severity-duration analysis [González and Valdés, 2003] for PDSI and precipitation reconstructions. (a) Runs analysis for the JJA PDSI composite for consecutive years below the long-term (800–2014) mean value. Filled circles indicate individual drought events of the duration (defined as consecutive years below the long-term 800–2014 mean) shown on the x axis and of a cumulative severity shown on the left-handy axis. Marginal histograms show the distribution of severity (left-hand y axis) with the associated duration (x axis). The vertical line and whisker plots correspond to the right-hand y axis and show the interval between droughts of the duration shown on the x axis. These are calculated as the number of years between the end of one and beginning of the next drought of the corresponding duration. Whiskers show the maximum and minimum interval between events. The 2012–2014 drought is indicated by the filled star. (b) As in Figure 3a but for the October–March (1293–2014) blue oak precipitation reconstruction.

Our October to June precipitation reconstruction is based on existing blue oak tree ring chronologies [Stahle et al.,2013] augmented with new specimens collected after the completion of the 2014 growth season and therefore spans 1293 to 2014 CE (Figure 2). The bivariate proxy-observation relationship is linear, stable through time, coherent across the frequency domain, and exceptionally robust by dendroclimate standards (inline image). The hydroclimate signal in blue oak is dominated by cool season precipitation [Meko et al., 2011], with minimal secondary influence of warm season temperature. Comparison with a high-resolution gridded precipitation data set demonstrates that the reconstruction reflects precipitation variability over a large region and that this coherence reflects the influence of westerly storm tracks on the blue oak tree ring sites in Central and Southern California (Figure S5).

The reconstructed precipitation value for 2014 is extremely low, in the lowest sixth percentile (1293–2014; Figure2b). However, deficits in 2014 are less severe than those reconstructed during punctuated dry periods in the late sixteenth (1571, 1580, and 1585), eighteenth (1721, 1765, 1782, and 1795), or nineteenth (1829, 1864, 1877, and 1898) centuries (Figure 2c). Moderately greater precipitation deficits were also reconstructed during the instrumental period (1934, 1961, 1990, and 2002). All years during 2012–2014 have below-average precipitation, but their cumulative reconstructed rainfall deficit is not yet unprecedented (Figure 3b). More extreme consecutive year precipitation deficits are evident near the turn of the twentieth century (1898–1900) and in the early sixteenth century (1527–1529). Similar events were reconstructed during the early (1735–1737) and late eighteenth (1794–1796) century. Longer episodes (from four to nine consecutive years) of below-average precipitation are also present in the reconstruction, and many of these had more severe accumulated precipitation deficits than the 2012–2014 event (Figure 3b). Approximately 50% of 3 year periods with below-average precipitation continue on to last for 4 years or longer.

4 Discussion and Conclusions

Evaluated using an integrated soil moisture metric like PDSI, the 2012–2014 drought is the worst in our combined NOAA-NADA estimate and 2014 is the single most arid case in at least the last 1200 years. In contrast, the precipitation deficits of 2014 and the 3 year period are not unique in the paleoclimate record (Figure 4). A simple modeling exercise (Figure S6), calculating the average division 4–7 PDSI with observed [Vose et al., 2014] versus climatological mean temperatures, suggests that temperature could have exacerbated the 2014 drought by approximately 36%. Based on these complementary lines of evidence, we infer that the severity of the 2014 drought is a result of both anomalously low—yet not unprecedented—water year precipitation (Figure S4) and record high temperatures (Figure S3). The 2014 JJA PDSI value is ∼3.5 standard deviations below the long-term (800–2014) mean (Figure 1b) and the cumulative 2012–2014 drought is the worst unbroken drought interval of the last millennium (Figures 3a and 4). Precipitation for 2012–2014 was indeed low but is less than 1.5 standard deviations below the reconstructed long-term normalized regional mean and not unprecedented over the last seven centuries, neither on the annual nor 3 year time scale. These observations from the paleoclimate record suggest that high temperatures have combined with the low but not yet exceptional precipitation deficits to create the worst short-term drought of the last millennium for the state of California.

Figure 4.

Bivariate distribution of the composite JJA NADA-NOAA PDSI and October–June reconstructed normalized mean precipitation anomalies. The 2014 value is indicated by the red star and dashed red lines and is labeled. The blue curve shows the least squares second-order polynomial fit to the data. Dashed black lines show the zero values for each distribution.

A return to normal rainfall levels may partially relieve some of the immediate water resources pressures imposed by the current drought, perhaps through an El Niño event or a series of landfalling atmospheric rivers [Dettinger, 2013]. However, the blue oak precipitation reconstruction reveals that the climate system is capable of natural precipitation deficits of even greater duration and severity than has so far been witnessed during the comparatively brief 2012–2014 drought episode. Attribution of anthropogenic influence on California rainfall and Pacific storm tracks during the current drought is thus far equivocal [Funk et al., 2014; Swain et al., 2014; Wang and Schubert, 2014] and future rainfall patterns in California remain unclear, due both to climate model differences and internal climate system variability [Pierce et al., 2012; Kirtman et al., 2013; Deser et al., 2014]. However, projections for a continued trend toward higher mean and extreme temperatures are robust and will play an increasingly important role in 21st century hydroclimate [Seager and Hoerling, 2014]. Future “hot” droughts [Overpeck, 2013; Pederson et al., 2014], driven by increasing temperatures due to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and enhanced evaporative demand, are assured and will be a substantial influence on future water resources supply and management in the western United States [Cook et al., 2014b]. Additional uncertainties remain, including the nature of land-surface feedbacks between soil moisture and temperatures [Yin et al., 2014], the sensitivity of drought metrics such as PDSI to data and methodological choices [Trenberth et al.,